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A. Taylor

MY late mother-in-law was a motor-cycle despatch rider for the fire service (Manchester) in WW11 and she mentioned that a film had been made at the time. I have often wondered if that film has survived as we would like to see her as a young woman "doing her bit" Any ideas, please ?

Chris Knowles

Your mother-in-law may have been thinking of Humphrey Jennings' film 'Fires were started' also known as 'I was a Fireman'. It is available on DVD as part of the Humphrey Jennings Collection (mentioned above). It was based in London, not Manchester, and, as far as I can remember, does not have any shots of a motor-cycle despatch rider. I don't know of any other films about the wartime fire service, but I think you would enjoy watching 'Fires were Started'.

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